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R3iCe formulation


Tutorial : run simulation

Simulation output


This page present how to compile the code on a linux OS or how to use a docker container. If you want to install it on gricad using a guix or charliecloud check gricad install

Using Docker image#

If you prefer to work within a Docker container you can use the Dockerfile.

Build docker image#

wget https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/mecaiceige/tools/ice-polycrystal-models/rheolef_cti/-/raw/main/docker/debian_bookworm/Dockerfile
docker build -t rheolef_cti .

Run docker container#

To run a container being user_host user on the host machine :

docker run -u $(id -u user_host):$(id -g user_host) -v /host/:/home/cti_user/ -it rheolef_cti
  • -v : enable to mount /host/ folder for the host machine to /home/cti_user/ folder in the container

  • -u : can be necessary in order to the container to be able to write in the folder

Compile and Install R3iCe without docker#



Install rheolef librairy. See this documentation pages to install it. The R3iCe function as been tested using rheolef 7.2.


Install nlohmann/json librairy git.

On linux distribution this can be done with:

git clone https://github.com/nlohmann/json
cp -r json/include/nlohmann/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


If you cannot put where you want the json library you can edit the Makefile and add to the variable CXXFLAGS a local folder by adding at the end of the line :



Then you need to compile the code from this git repository.

git clone https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/mecaiceige/tools/ice-polycrystal-models/rheolef_cti
cd rheolef_cti/

If you don’t get error it means you successfully compile the R3iCe binary and it is available in bin/R3iCe.


If you have admin right you can run :

sudo make install

Overwise in order to be able to run R3iCe code from anywhere you can add this line to your .bashrc file.

export PATH="(PATH_TO_FOLDER)/rheolef_cti/bin:$PATH"