1. Functions overview

1.1. Loading data

xarray_dic.loadDIC.load7D(adr_data, resolution, time_step, unit_time='seconds', unit_res='millimeter')

Load output from 7D from gdr export option

  • adr_data (str) – folder path where the 7D output are store

  • resolution (float) – pixel size of the image used for DIC (millimeters)

  • time_step (float) – time step between the picture (seconds)

  • adr_micro (str) – path for the black and white skeleton of the microstructure (bmp format) (default 0 - no microstructure)

xarray_dic.loadDIC.loadDICe(adr_data, resolution, time_step, unit_time='seconds', unit_res='millimeter', strain_com=1)

Load DIC data from DICe software

  • adr_data (str) – folder path where the DICe output are store

  • resolution (float) – pixel size of the image used for DIC (millimeters)

  • time_step (float) – time step between the picture (seconds)

  • adr_micro (str) – path for the black and white skeleton of the microstructure (bmp format) (default 0 - no microstructure)

  • strain_com (bool) – Computation method for strain calculation 0-small deformation 1-Green Lagrange (default 1)

xarray_dic.loadDIC.loadSpam(adr_data, resolution, time_step, unit_time='seconds', unit_res='millimeter', strain_com=1)

Load output from spam after spam.ldic

  • adr_data (str) – folder path where the 7D output are store

  • resolution (float) – pixel size of the image used for DIC (millimeters)

  • time_step (float) – time step between the picture (seconds)

  • adr_micro (str) – path for the black and white skeleton of the microstructure (bmp format) (default 0 - no microstructure)

xarray_dic.loadDIC.loadSpam_strain(adr_data, resolution, time_step, unit_time='seconds', unit_res='millimeter')

Load output from spam after spam-regularStrain

  • adr_data (str) – folder path where the 7D output are store

  • resolution (float) – pixel size of the image used for DIC (millimeters)

  • time_step (float) – time step between the picture (seconds)

  • adr_micro (str) – path for the black and white skeleton of the microstructure (bmp format) (default 0 - no microstructure)

xarray_dic.loadDIC.multi_load(func_load, adr, res, time_step, **kwargs)

Open multiple correlation between t1 qnd t2

  • func_load – the function that you want to use for loading the data

  • adr (str) – path to the folder where each folder contained a correaltion set


**kwarg you should also pass all the argument needed for you loading function

1.2. xarray_dic xr.Dataset accessor

class xarray_dic.xarray_dic.xarray_dic(xarray_obj)

This is a classe to work on aita data in xarray environnement.


xarray does not support heritage from xr.DataArray may be the day it support it, we could move to it

DIC_line(axis='y', shift=3)

Compute the average of one componant


axis (str) – txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz

Return mean

average of this component

Rtype mean



Constructor for aita.

The xarray_obj should contained at least : 1. displacement : DataArray that contained displacement in the last column of dimention 2. strain : DataArray taht contained strain field compatible with xarray_symTensor2d


xarray_obj (xr.Dataset) –


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Average on the number of correlation done for the same time_step

find_pic(strain_step=- 0.005, a_im=1, b_im=0, **kwargs)

Find picture number as between 2 picture the increment of deformation is macro_strain

  • strain_step (float) – macroscopic strain between 2 picture.

  • a_im (int) – value to give true output file number image a_im*n+b_im

  • b_im (im) – value to give true output file number image a_im*n+b_im



Return type
