Welcome to AITA book#

The aim of this toolbox is to provide tools to perform data analyses on orientation maps.

An orientation map is a 2d image where a 3d unit vector is assigned at each pixel.

These analyses are built around the xarray library and two accessors xarrayaita and xarrayuvecs.

All this documentation is built from jupyter-notebook and can be run using MyBinder by clicking on the “launch button”.


One classical application of this toolbox is the treatment of data obtained with the Automatic Ice Texture Analyzer (AITA) on thin sections of ice, quartz or snow.


The xarray dependencies#

  • aita accessor : A xarray.Dataset accessor for managing orientation data.

  • uvecs accessor : uvecs for “Unit VECctor that are Symmetrical” management (UVECS). A xarray.DataArray accessor.

Install the environment#

If you want to install the python environment locally on your computer, we recommand using conda. You can follow this quick start to set-up conda.

Once conda is set-up you can install your environment using the environment.yml file.

conda env create -n MyenvAITA -f environment.yml

To activate this environment use :

conda activate MyenvAITA

Play with the notebooks on your computer#

You can clone this repository :

git clone https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/mecaiceige/tools/documentations/AITA-book


You are welcome to contribute to the project. To do so you can:

  1. Submit commits to fix bugs or add new functionalities.

  2. Report issues that you have found using the tools.

  3. Talk about these tools around you if you find it interesting and/or put a star on it.

Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss it.